Official PRINCE2 Agile Foundation mock exam
If you are preparing to sit your PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam you will want to find some sample PRINCE2 Foundation exam questions. The best full sample exams are those available published by AXELOS the certification body for PRINCE2 Agile and the authors of the exams and PRINCE2 Agile manual.
If you are thinking of taking accredited PRINCE2 Agile training, or self-paced PRINCE2 Agile online training then you will be provided with two full sample PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exams.
Unofficial PRINCE2 Agile Foundation mock exam
On the internet there are many people claiming to have a PRINCE2 Agile Foundation practice exam but you have to be aware that their quality leaves a lot to be desired. They are not likely to be written by a subject matter expert and they can damage your chances of passing if you use them.
Even worse there are some unscrupulous people who claim to have a REAL exam. If that claim is true it means they have stolen it!
That is why we recommend that to prepare for your real PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam you only use sample exams from trusted sources. That means AXELOS, or the one below which has been written by our PRINCE2 Agile course expert author and trainer Nick Duffew.
The sample PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam questions below are taken from a large database of sample exam questions that forms part of our PRINCE2 Foundation online course.
PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam format
The format of the real PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam is as follows:
- Style: Multiple-choice
- Questions: 50
- Pass mark: 56% (28/50)
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Materials allowed: Closed-book
- Prerequisites: None
- Results: Same day.
Free PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam sample questions
Below we provide 10 free sample PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam questions to give you a flavour of what you must learn to prepare to sit your PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam. The answers are given at the bottom.
If you want more free exam questions, we have developed 2 complete PRINCE2 Agile Foundation practice exams which form part of our PRINCE2 Agile Foundation online course.
Question 1
Which of the following agile frameworks is considered suitable for use with PRINCE2 Agile?
- a) DevOps
- b) DSDM
- c) XP
- d) Scrum
Question 2
Which is described as list of new features for a product that can be defined in terms of releases, sprints and products?
- a) Backlog
- b) Product description
- c) User story
- d) Project Brief
Question 3
Which does NOT describe PRINCE2 Agile according to the eight guidance points?
- a) PRINCE2 allows for any style of working including environments with high levels of uncertainty
- b) PRINCE2 Agile does not assume an IT context
- c) A PRINCE2 Agile project that does not use Scrum cannot be considered agile
- d) Nothing about PRINCE2 should be removed from PRINCE2 Agile project
Question 4
Which of the following statements about fixing and flexing tolerances is INCORRECT?
- a) Zero tolerance on extra time on all levels of plan
- b) Zero tolerance on benefits defined as “minimum viability” in the business case
- c) Zero tolerance on quality criteria that are desirable but not essential
- d) Zero tolerance on products that are essential
Question 5
Why does PRINCE2 Agile recommend that we ‘protect the level of quality’?
- a) To avoid inadequate testing as deadlines approach
- b) To recognize that the customer’s understanding of requirements will evolve
- c) To give confidence that deadlines can be met
- d) To avoid the slowing of production as new members are brought up to speed
Question 6
Why does PRINCE2 Agile recommend that we ‘keep teams stable?
- a) To give confidence to the customer that a usable product will be delivered on a specific day
- b) To avoid reduced efficiency as new members are brought up to speed
- c) To enable fewer high-quality products rather than many of poor quality
- d) To ensure that the customer receives the minimum set of products needed to achieve the benefits
Question 7
How does PRINCE2 Agile recommend that the business case management product be tailored?
- a) The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) should be stated in the business case
- b) The business case needs to be written to allow for flexibility on the project timescales and costs
- c) The benefits in the business case should be fixed and never flexed
- d) The supplier should be responsible for delivering the benefits
Question 8
Which two statements about the project manager are CORRECT?
- Manages the delivery team
- May be more than one
- Responsible for the day-to-day management of the project
- May be combined with the team manager role in smaller projects
- a) 1 and 2
- b) 2 and 3
- c) 3 and 4
- d) 1 and 4
Question 9
Which two statements about ‘the Agilometer’ focus area are CORRECT?
- A decreasing slider score over time shows that the environment is becoming more agile
- A decreasing slider score over time shows that the environment is becoming less agile
- Each slider is independent of the other meaning average agility scores should not be taken
- Each slider is related to the others meaning average agility scores should be taken
- a) 1 and 2
- b) 2 and 3
- c) 3 and 4
- d) 1 and 4
Question 10
Which is used to enable all involved in work to ‘pull’ information about targets, progress, issues and risks?
- a) Burn chart
- b) Kanban board
- c) Information radiator
- d) Scrum artifact
Sample answers
Here are the answers to the 10 free PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam sample questions.
Question | Answer |
1 | d |
2 | a |
3 | c |
4 | c |
5 | a |
6 | b |
7 | a |
8 | c |
9 | b |
10 | c |