- Accept
- A decision to take no action against a risk, typically when it falls below risk thresholds.
- Acceptance criteria
- Specific requirements that deliverables must meet to be formally accepted.
- Acceptance test
- A test run by end users to determine if a product meets their needs.
- Accountability
- The obligation to answer for results and take ownership of work.
- Acquisition process
- The process of obtaining personnel and resources necessary for project work.
- Action item
- A task or activity that must be completed.
- Action item status
- Tracks an action item’s progress from creation to closure.
- Activity
- The smallest unit of work in a project, requiring time, resources, and finances to complete.
- Activity code
- An alphanumeric value used to group and filter activities.
- Activity duration
- The length of time it takes to complete an activity.
- Activity identifier
- A unique alphanumeric value assigned to each activity.
- Activity label
- A short descriptor for an activity.
- Activity list
- A document listing all activities necessary to complete a project.
- Activity network
- A diagram showing the sequence and dependencies of project activities.
- Activity-on-arrow (AOA)
- A network diagram where arrows represent activities and nodes represent events or milestones.
- Activity-on-node (AON)
- A network diagram where nodes represent activities and arrows show logical relationships.
- Actual cost
- The total cost incurred for work done in a given period.
- Actual duration
- The length of time taken to complete an activity.
- Actual effort
- The amount of labour performed to complete an activity, expressed in person-hours or similar units.
- Actual expenditure
- The sum of costs paid from a budget.
- Actual finish
- The date on which an activity was completed.
- Actual progress
- A measure of work completed on a project, usually stated as a percentage.
- Actual start
- The date on which an activity was started.
- Adaptive project framework (APF)
- An approach that accepts changing requirements and allows projects to be affected by external business environments.
- Administrative closure
- The set of formal requirements fulfilled to end a project.
- Aggregate planning
- A strategy using demand forecasts to manage scheduling and planning for project activities.
- Agile
- A family of iterative development approaches aimed at meeting changing customer requirements through sprints.
- Agile project management
- An approach focusing on teamwork, collaboration, and stakeholder involvement, using iterative development methods.
- Agile software development
- A development approach originating from the Agile Manifesto, emphasizing meeting changing requirements through collaborative development.
- Allocation
- The assigning of resources for scheduled activities in the most efficient way possible.
- Alternative analysis
- The evaluation of possible courses of action for project work.
- Analogous estimating
- An estimation technique using historical project data to prepare time and cost estimates.
- Analytical estimating
- A technique that computes total project time and cost estimates by preparing estimates for each project activity.
- Application area
- The specific project category of which the project is a part.
- Apportioned effort
- Project work associated with components of a work breakdown structure and performed in proportion with discrete effort.
- Approach analysis
- An analysis used to examine various methods by which project goals may be achieved.
- Arrow diagramming method (ADM)
- A method of constructing a network diagram using arrows to represent activities and nodes to represent events or milestones.
- Artifact
- Items that support software development, including project plans and items used in actual development.
- As late as possible (ALAP)
- An activity for which the early start date is set as late as possible without delaying successor activities.
- As soon as possible (ASAP)
- An activity for which the early start date is set to be as soon as possible.
- Assignment contouring
- The process of assigning people to project work for changing numbers of hours per day as the project progresses.
- Assumption
- Factors deemed to be true during project planning, though proof of their validity is not available.
- Authorization
- The power to make decisions granted by management.
- Authorized work
- Work approved by management or others in authority.
- Avoid
- A response to a negative risk that seeks to ensure the risk does not occur or to protect project objectives from its impact.
- Backward pass
- A technique to calculate late-start and finish dates for project activities by working backwards from the project end date.
- Balance
- A phase in the portfolio life cycle involving balancing portfolio components based on risk, costs, and resource use.
- Balanced matrix
- An organizational structure where functions and projects have the same priority.
- Balanced scorecard
- A tool used to assess whether an organisation’s activities align with its vision and objectives.
- Bar chart
- A diagrammed calendar schedule of project activities’ start and end dates in logical order.
- Base date
- A reference date used as the start of a project calendar.
- Baseline
- The approved costs and schedules at the start of the project, used as a basis for monitoring and evaluating performance.
- Baseline cost
- The amount of money a project or activity was intended to cost when the project plan was baselined.
- Baseline date
- The original planned start and finish dates for a project or activity when the schedule was baselined.
- Baseline plan
- The fixed project plan used as the standard for measuring performance.
- Baseline schedule
- The fixed project schedule used as the standard for measuring performance.
- Benchmarking
- A review of what other organisations are doing in the same area.
- Benefit
- A positive and measurable impact of change.
- Benefits framework
- An outline of expected project benefits, affected business operations, and performance measures.
- Benefits management
- The identification, definition, planning, tracking, and realisation of benefits.
- Benefits management plan
- A plan specifying responsibility for achieving benefits and how they will be measured and managed.
- Benefits profile
- A representation of when benefits are planned to be realised.
- Benefits realisation
- The practice of ensuring benefits are derived from outputs and outcomes.
- Benefits realisation review
- A review undertaken after project deliverables have been in operation to establish if benefits have been realised.
- Bid
- A tender, quotation, or offer to enter into a contract.
- Bid analysis
- An analysis of bids or tenders.
- Bid list
- A list of contractors or suppliers invited to submit bids for goods or services.
- Bidding
- The process of preparing and submitting a bid or tender.
- Blueprint
- A document defining what a programme is designed to achieve in terms of business and operational vision.
- Board
- A body providing sponsorship to a project, programme, or portfolio, representing financial, provider, and user interests.
- Bottom-up estimating
- A technique that computes total project time and cost estimates by preparing estimates for each activity and adding them together.
- Budget
- The sum of money allocated for a project or a comprehensive list of revenues and expenses.
- Budget at completion (BAC)
- The sum total of the time-phased budgets.
- Budget cost
- The cost anticipated at the start of a project.
- Budget element
- Resources needed to do the work, typically assigned to a work package.
- Budget estimate
- An approximate estimate prepared in early project stages to establish financial viability or secure resources.
- Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP)
- The planned cost of work completed to date, also known as ‘earned value’.
- Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS)
- The planned cost of work scheduled to be performed in a period of time.
- Budgeting
- Time-phased financial requirements.
- Budgeting and cost control
- The estimation of costs, setting of an agreed budget, and management of actual and forecast costs against that budget.
- Buffer
- A term used in critical chain for the centralised management of schedule contingencies.
- Build (stage)
- A stage within the implementation phase where project deliverables are built or constructed.
- Build, own, operate, transfer (BOOT)
- A situation where a private operator builds, owns, operates, and then transfers a facility to another party after a specific period.
- Burn down chart
- A graph showing the relationship between tasks to be completed and the remaining time.
- Business analysis
- The practice of identifying and solving business problems.
- Business case
- Documentation of potential outcomes of a new project, including benefits, costs, and effects.
- Business change manager
- The role responsible for benefits management from identification through to realisation.
- Business imperative
- An issue, situation, or circumstance with potential to affect a business.
- Business model
- The system by which an organization’s profitable activities are planned, structured, and executed.
- Business operations
- The ensemble of activities or processes through which a company uses its assets to create value for customers.
- Business process
- A system of activities by which a business creates a specific result for its customers.
- Business Process Modelling (BPM)
- The representation, analysis, and evaluation of business processes to improve them.
- Business readiness
- A continuous concern through a project or programme that seeks to understand attitudes to change and barriers.
- Business requirements
- The conditions a product must satisfy to effectively serve its purpose within a business.
- Business risk assessment
- The assessment of risk to business objectives rather than risk to achieving project objectives.
- Business value
- The sum of positive effects a project has on the business.
- Business-as-usual
- An organisation’s normal day-to-day operations.
- Calendar unit
- The smallest unit of time by which project activity durations are measured.
- Capability
- A project outcome that enables a benefit to be achieved, or having necessary attributes to perform or accomplish.
- Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
- A model used to assess the maturity of business process capabilities.
- Capital expenditure, the money a company spends to acquire or upgrade fixed physical assets.
- Case study
- Extensive and in-depth formal research into an area of a company, situation, or event.
- Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
- An entry-level certification for project managers offered by the Project Management Institute.
- Champion
- An informal role where a person makes project success a personal responsibility.
- Change control
- The process of identifying, evaluating, approving, and implementing changes to a project.
- Change control board
- An appointed group of stakeholders who evaluate proposed changes and decide when and whether to make them.
- Change control system/process
- The process by which changes to the project are evaluated, implemented, and documented.
- Change freeze
- The point at which scope changes to a project are no longer permissible.
- Change management plan
- A plan detailing the change control process.
- Change request
- A formal document submitted to request changes to the finalised project management plan.
- Client/Customer
- The people who will directly benefit from a project.
- Closing phase
- The final phase of the project life cycle where all aspects are officially completed and closed.
- Code of accounts
- An alphanumeric system used to assign unique identifiers to all work breakdown structure components.
- Collaborative negotiation
- Negotiations where all parties obtain at least some of what they want.
- Communications log
- A document used to track all project-related communications.
- Communications management plan
- A plan stating who will send and receive project information, what details are communicated, and when.
- Communities of practice
- Groups of people who share an area of interest within project management and meet regularly to share knowledge.
- Competence
- The ability and knowledge required to perform tasks associated with a specific role.
- Competence framework
- The set of competence expectations used to assess a person’s suitability for a specific role.
- Concept
- The beginning phase of the project life cycle where the team presents opportunities or problems and examines project feasibility.
- Conceptual project planning
- Developing documentation from which a project’s organization and control system will originate.
- Concurrent engineering
- A product development approach where design and development are carried out simultaneously.
- Configuration
- Shaping a product’s functions and characteristics to make it suitable for customer use.
- Configuration management
- Ensuring that the product of a project meets all necessary specifications and stipulations.
- Consensus
- A decision agreed upon by all members of a group.
- Constraint
- A limitation on a project, such as financial, time, or resource availability constraints.
- Constructability
- A concept used in complex projects to assess the entire construction process before beginning construction.
- Construction
- The process of building infrastructure, typically supervised by engineers and architects and managed by a project manager.
- Consumable resource
- A non-renewable resource that cannot be used once consumed.
- Contingency plan
- An alternative course of action planned in anticipation of specific risks.
- Contingency reserve
- An allocation of time or money set aside for known possibilities that could delay a project or make it more expensive.
- Contract administration
- The process of managing a relationship with a contracting party.
- Contract closeout
- The process of determining whether contract terms were completed successfully and settling any remaining terms.
- Control account
- A work breakdown structure tool that allows aggregation of costs for work packages as part of earned value management calculations.
- Control chart
- A chart that compares process results with historical averages and control limits to show whether a process meets expectations.
- Core process
- A process that follows an established order and is central to the performance of the system or project of which it is part.
- Corrective action
- A step taken to bring work back into alignment with performance expectations after it has failed to meet them.
- Cost baseline
- The sum of work package estimates, contingency reserve, and other associated costs by which project performance is assessed.
- Cost benefit analysis
- An analysis used to weigh project costs against anticipated tangible benefits.
- Cost engineering
- The application of scientific and engineering principles to aspects of cost management.
- Cost management plan
- A plan detailing how project costs will be planned, funded, and controlled.
- Cost of quality
- The cost associated with ensuring project quality.
- Cost overrun
- When unexpected costs cause a project’s actual cost to exceed the budget.
- Cost performance index
- A measure of cost efficiency calculated as the ratio of earned value to actual cost.
- Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract (CPFC)
- A contract where the seller is reimbursed for costs and paid a predetermined fixed fee.
- Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract (CPIF)
- A contract where the seller is reimbursed for costs and paid an additional fee if they meet specified performance criteria.
- Cost Plus Percentage Of Cost Contract (CPPC)
- A contract where the seller is reimbursed for costs and paid an additional amount equal to a percentage of costs incurred.
- Cost reimbursable contract
- A contract where a seller is reimbursed for costs and paid an additional sum as profit.
- Cost variance
- The difference between earned value and actual cost.
- Cost/schedule impact analysis
- An analysis determining the effects of a change on a project’s cost or schedule.
- Crashing
- A schedule compression technique used to speed up project work by increasing resources on critical path activities.
- Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
- An approach emphasizing resources needed to complete project activities over activity order and durations set in a schedule.
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
- A psycho-educational exercise for small groups who have experienced a traumatic event.
- Critical path
- The sequence of activities through a project network from start to finish, the sum of whose durations determines the overall project duration.
- Critical path activity
- A scheduled activity that is part of a project’s critical path.
- Critical path method
- A technique used to estimate the shortest project duration and determine float for non-critical path activities.
- Critical success factor
- An aspect of a project crucial to its success.
- Criticality index
- A percentage representing how frequently an activity is on the critical path in project simulations.
- Current finish date
- The most up-to-date estimate of when an activity will finish.
- Current start date
- The most up-to-date estimate of when an activity will start.
- Cut-off date
- The end date of a reporting period.
- Data date
- A point at which a project’s status is measured and documented.
- Decision bias
- Psychological biases affecting individuals and groups when making risk-based decisions.
- Decision gate
- A point between phases used to review and confirm work viability in line with the business case.
- Decision tree analysis
- A diagrammatic technique used to illustrate a chain of decisions and examine implications of multiple outcomes.
- Decomposition
- The hierarchical breaking down of project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components.
- Defect repair
- An action taken to remedy a nonfunctional product or one that doesn’t match expectations.
- Define
- The phase of a portfolio life cycle where projects, programmes, and changes required to meet strategic objectives are identified and evaluated.
- Defined
- The third level of a typical maturity model where processes are documented and standardised.
- Definition
- The second phase of a project life cycle where requirements are refined and ways of achieving them are identified.
- Deliverable
- A final product or product component that must be provided to a client or stakeholder according to contractual stipulations.
- Delphi technique
- An estimation method based on expert consensus through rounds of individual estimates and group reviews.
- Dependency
- A logical relationship between project activities in a network diagram that determines when a dependent activity may begin.
- Design (stage)
- A stage within the implementation phase where the design of project deliverables is finalised.
- Design authority
- The person or organisation with overall design responsibility for project products.
- Detailed design
- The in-depth design of the chosen solution, ready for full implementation.
- Deterministic estimate
- A predetermined estimate with no possibility of an alternative outcome.
- Development
- The working up of a preferred solution to an optimised solution during project phases.
- Deviations
- Departure from the established plan or requirements.
- Direct labour
- Labour specifically identified with a particular activity, incurred for the exclusive benefit of the project.
- Disbenefit
- A consequence of change perceived as negative by one or more stakeholders.
- Do nothing option
- The result or consequence of not proceeding with the project or programme.
- Drawdown
- The removal of funds from an agreed source resulting in a reduction of available funds.
- Dummy activity
- In activity-on-arrow diagrams, a logical link that may require time but no other resource.
- Duration
- The length of time needed to complete the project or an activity.
- Duration compression
- The shortening of a project schedule without reducing scope, often resulting in increased cost.
- Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
- An agile development method for developing business solutions within tight timeframes.
- Earliest finish date
- The earliest possible date by which an activity can finish within logical and imposed constraints.
- Earliest start date
- The earliest possible date when an activity can start within logical and imposed constraints.
- Earned hours
- The time credited as a result of completing a given activity or group of activities.
- Earned value
- A measure of progress expressing costs committed and work achieved in the same units.
- Earned value analysis
- An analysis of project progress comparing actual money and hours spent to the value of work achieved.
- Earned value management
- A project control process based on a structured approach to planning, cost collection, and performance measurement.
- Effort
- The number of labour units necessary to complete work, usually expressed in labour hours, days, or weeks.
- Effort-driven activity
- An activity whose duration is governed by resource usage and availability.
- Effort estimate
- A calculated approximation of the effort needed to complete an activity.
- Effort management
- The most efficient allocation of time and resources to project activities.
- EFQM Excellence Model
- A model for diagnosing organisational excellence.
- Elapsed time
- The total number of calendar days needed to complete an activity.
- Emergent change
- Unplanned change managed by an organisation through incremental, iterative, or evolutionary approaches.
- End activity
- An activity with no logical successors.
- End user
- The person or organisation that will use the facility produced by the project.
- Enhance
- A response to an opportunity that increases its probability, impact, or both.
- Enterprise project management office
- An organisation responsible for the governance infrastructure of project, programme, and portfolio management.
- Environment
- The societal and/or organisational setting of a project, programme, or portfolio.
- Escalate
- The process by which issues are drawn to the attention of a higher level of management.
- Estimate
- A forecast of the probable time or cost of completing work.
- Estimate At Completion (EAC)
- A value expressed in money and/or hours representing the projected final costs of work when completed.
- Estimated Cost to Complete (ECC)
- The value expressed in money or hours representing the cost of work required to complete an activity.
- Estimating
- The use of tools and techniques to produce forecasts of the probable time or cost of completing work.
- Estimating funnel
- A representation of increasing levels of estimating accuracy achieved through project phases.
- Ethical procurement
- Procurement in accordance with established ethics or moral values.
- Ethics frameworks
- Recognised standards of conduct and behaviour within the project, programme, and portfolio profession.
- Event-driven
- Describing an action prompted by the occurrence of an event.
- Event chain diagram
- A visual representation of a schedule network based on event chain methodology.
- Event chain methodology
- A schedule network analysis method that enables uncertainty modelling.
- Exception management
- An approach focusing on instances where planned and actual results are significantly different.
- Exceptions
- Occurrences causing deviation from a plan, such as issues, change requests, and risks.
- Expected monetary value
- The product of an event’s probability of occurrence and the financial gain or loss that will result.
- Expediting
- The facilitation and acceleration of progress by removing obstacles.
- Expended hours
- The hours spent to achieve an activity or group of activities.
- Expenditure
- A charge against available funds, evidenced by a voucher, claim, or another document.
- Exploit
- A response to an opportunity that maximises both its probability and impact.
- Extended life cycle
- A life cycle approach adding an adoption phase to facilitate cooperation between change and business-as-usual teams.
- External constraint
- A constraint from outside the project.
- External environment
- The environment external to the organisation carrying out the project.
- External suppliers
- Suppliers external to the organisation carrying out the project.
- Facilitation
- An approach to working with groups collaboratively to create energy and solve problems.
- Facility
- The final result, outcome, or deliverable of the project.
- Factors
- Situations that affect or influence outcomes.
- Fast tracking
- A schedule compression technique where critical path activities are performed concurrently instead of consecutively.
- Feasibility study
- An evaluation of how likely a project is to be completed effectively.
- Final account
- The account that finally closes a purchase order or contract.
- Financial management
- The process of estimating and justifying costs to secure funds, control expenditure, and evaluate outcomes.
- Financing and funding
- The means by which capital for a project is secured and made available.
- Finish-to-finish
- A dependency indicating that one activity cannot finish until another activity has finished.
- Finish-to-finish lag
- The minimum time that must pass between the finish of one activity and the finish of its successor(s).
- Finish-to-start
- A dependency indicating that one activity cannot start until another activity has finished.
- Finish-to-start lag
- The minimum time that must pass between the finish of one activity and the start of its successor(s).
- Fitness for purpose
- The degree to which project management processes and deliverables satisfy stakeholder needs.
- Fixed date
- A calendar date associated with a schedule that cannot be moved or changed.
- Fixed or non-recurring cost
- A cost not influenced by volume of business or quantity.
- Fixed price contract
- A contract based on firm legal commitments to complete required work.
- Float
- The flexibility with which an activity may be rescheduled.
- Flow diagram
- A graphic representation of workflow and logical sequence of work elements.
- Force-field analysis
- A technique to identify pressures promoting or resisting change.
- Forecast
- A prediction of a defined future state, typically related to project duration and cost.
- Forecast costs
- A projection of future costs that the project will incur.
- Forecast final cost
- A projection of total costs at project completion.
- Forecast outturn cost
- The cost of actual expenditure, accruals, and estimated costs to complete the work.
- Form of contract
- The type of contract to be used, often a standard form relevant to the business or industry sector.
- Forward pass
- A technique to calculate earliest start and finish dates for activities.
- Free float
- Spare time at the end of an activity that can be used without delaying its successor.
- Function
- A specialist department providing dedicated services.
- Functional analysis
- Identification and analysis of functional attributes of different solutions.
- Functional Analysis and System Technique (FAST)
- An evolution of the value analysis process linking simply expressed functions to describe complex systems.
- Functional departments
- Specialist departments providing dedicated services.
- Functional manager
- The person responsible for business and technical management of a functional group.
- Functional organisation
- A management structure where specific functions are grouped into specialist departments.
- Functional requirements
- The working characteristics of a product based on end-user needs.
- Functional specification
- A document specifying required functions of a system and applicable constraints.
- Funding
- The means by which money for a project is secured and made available.
- Funding profile
- An estimate of funding requirements over time.
- Gantt chart
- A graphical representation of project activities against time.
- Gate
- A point between phases where a go/no go decision is made about remaining work.
- Gate review
- A formal point where a project’s worth, progress, cost, and execution plan are reviewed.
- Go/No go
- A form of control where a decision is made whether to continue work.
- Goal
- A one-sentence definition of what will be accomplished, incorporating an event signifying completion.
- Governance
- The framework of authority and accountability that defines and controls project outputs, outcomes, and benefits.
- Governance board
- A body providing sponsorship to a project, representing financial, provider, and user interests.
- Guarantees
- Legally enforceable assurance of performance of a contract.
- Hammock
- A summary task linked to a group of activities, with duration determined by the total elapsed duration of linked activities.
- Handover
- The point where deliverables are commissioned and given to the permanent organisation.
- Health and safety management
- The process of identifying and minimising threats to workers throughout the project life cycle.
- Health and safety plan
- A plan identifying health and safety strategies and procedures for a project.
- Health and safety risk assessment
- A legislative requirement for all employers and self-employed individuals.
- Health, safety and environmental management
- The process of applying standards to minimise accidents, injuries, or environmental damage.
- Hierarchical coding structure
- A multi-level tree structure coding system where every code except those at the top has a parent code.
- High-level requirements
- A high-level statement of project needs.
- Host organisation
- The organisation providing strategic direction and primary investment for a project.
- Hybrid life cycle
- An approach combining linear and iterative life cycles for different phases or activities.
- Hypercritical activities
- Activities on the critical path with negative float.
- Idea development
- Developing evaluated opportunities to understand benefits and costs.
- Idea evaluation
- Ranking identified opportunities according to their appropriateness.
- Impact
- The assessment of a risk’s effect on an objective if it occurs.
- Impact analysis
- An assessment of the merits of a course of action or potential impact of a requested change.
- Implementation
- The third phase of the project life cycle where the project management plan is executed, monitored, and controlled.
- Imposed finish
- A finish date imposed on an activity by external circumstances or constraints.
- Imposed start
- A start date imposed on an activity by external circumstances or constraints.
- In progress activity
- An activity that has been started but not yet completed.
- Influence diagram
- A pictorial representation of how variables affect one another.
- Influencing
- The act of affecting the behaviours and actions of others.
- Information management
- The collection, storage, curation, dissemination, archiving, and destruction of information.
- Infrastructure
- Support for projects, programmes, and portfolios, focal point for their development and maintenance.
- Initial
- The first level of a typical maturity model where processes are typically ad hoc and occasionally chaotic.
- Initiation
- The process of committing to begin a project, establishing clear reference terms and management structure.
- Integrated assurance
- The coordination of assurance activities where there are multiple assurance providers.
- Integrated baseline review
- A review held following the establishment of the initial baseline.
- Integrated planning
- The application of management processes bringing together planning of benefits, success criteria, scope, quality, time, resources, cost, risk, communications, etc.
- Integration
- The process of bringing people, activities, and other things together to perform effectively.
- Integrative management
- Management processes that bring together planning of various project aspects.
- Interdependencies
- The management of dependencies between projects and business-as-usual activities.
- Interface management
- The management of relationships between different departments or organisations on a project.
- Interface management plan
- A plan identifying and showing how to manage internal and external project interfaces.
- Internal environment
- The environment internal to the organisation carrying out the project.
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- The discount rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows equal to zero.
- Interrelationship
- The relationship between activities managed by a team or individual.
- Investment
- The outlay of money or time for income, profit, or other benefit.
- Investment appraisal
- Analysis considering investment profitability over an asset’s life alongside affordability and strategic fit.
- Investment decision
- The decision justifying investment in a project, based on robust investment appraisal.
- Invitation To Tender (ITT)
- An invitation to a supplier to bid for the supply of goods or services.
- Island of stability
- A review point at the end of a programme tranche when progress is reviewed and the next tranche planned.
- Issue
- A problem breaching or about to breach delegated tolerances, requiring sponsor support to resolve.
- Issue log
- A log of all issues raised during a project, showing details, evaluation, decisions, and current status.
- Issue management
- The process of identifying and addressing issues to remove threats they pose.
- Issue register
- A log of all issues raised during a project.
- Joint Venture (JV)
- A joint ownership of a firm by two or more parties engaged in a particular venture.
- Just In Time (JIT)
- A philosophy where goods, services, or actions are provided on demand without waiting or storage.
- Key events
- Major events critical to project execution.
- Key events schedule
- A schedule of major events critical to project execution.
- Key milestone
- A milestone critical to project success.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Measures of success used throughout the project to ensure progress towards success.
- Knowledge management
- The discipline concerned with how organisations create and use knowledge to improve outcomes.
- Lag
- The minimum necessary lapse of time between the finish of one activity and the start of another.
- Latest finish date
- The latest possible date by which an activity must finish without affecting total project duration.
- Latest start date
- The latest possible date by which an activity must start without affecting total project duration.
- Lead
- A negative lag, by definition an illogical condition.
- Leadership
- The ability to establish vision and direction, influence and align others towards a common purpose, and empower and inspire people.
- Lean
- An approach concerned with identifying principles by which environments can become more responsive, flexible, productive, reliable, and cost-effective.
- Lessons learned
- Documented experiences used to improve future management of projects, programmes, and portfolios.
- Letter of intent
- A letter indicating intent to sign a contract, usually to allow work to commence prior to signing.
- Level one plan
- The master plan for the project, with level two and three plans providing successively more detail.
- Levelling
- The process of resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks.
- Life cycle
- A framework comprising distinct high-level stages required to transform an idea into reality.
- Life cycle cost
- The cumulative cost of a project over its whole life cycle.
- Line-of-balance
- A scheduling technique for repetitive products showing how resource teams move from product to product.
- Linear life cycle
- A life cycle aiming to complete a project within a single pass through distinct, sequential phases.
- Liquidated damages
- The liability in a contract to pay a specified sum for a breach of contract.
- Logic
- The sequence and interdependencies of activities in a project schedule.
- Logic diagram
- A graphical representation of the sequential relationship between project activities.
- Logical dependency
- A dependency based on the relationship between two activities or between an activity and a milestone.
- Make or buy decision
- The decision to make a deliverable internally or buy a finished deliverable from a supplier.
- Managed
- The fourth level of a typical capability maturity model where metrics are gathered on process performance.
- Management by exception
- Management focused on problem or critical areas only.
- Management development
- All aspects of staff planning, recruitment, development, training, and assessment.
- Management plan
- A plan setting out how an aspect of a project, programme, or portfolio will be delivered.
- Management reserve
- A sum of money to cover the cost impact of unidentified risks and some very low-probability, high-impact risks.
- Marketing
- Anticipating user demands and identifying and satisfying their needs.
- Master schedule
- A high-level summary project schedule identifying major activities and milestones.
- Material
- Property incorporated into, attached to, or consumed in the performance of a contract.
- Material take-off
- A list of materials required to build an item, derived from a drawing.
- Matrix organisation
- An organisational structure where project managers and functional managers share responsibility for assigning priorities and directing work.
- Maturity
- The sophistication and experience of an organisation in managing projects.
- Maturity model
- An approach to understand current capabilities and identify a structured path to increase success predictability.
- Mechanical completion
- The point at which a facility is fully installed and components have been inspected and tested.
- Mediation
- An attempt to settle a legal dispute through active participation of a third party.
- Method
- A consistent framework within which project management is performed.
- Method statement
- A plan detailing how a piece of work is to be carried out.
- Methods and procedures
- Standard practices used for managing projects throughout a life cycle.
- Milestone
- A key event selected for its importance in the schedule, often associated with tangible acceptance of deliverables.
- Milestone plan
- A plan containing milestones that highlight key points of the project.
- Milestone schedule
- A schedule that identifies the major milestones.
- Minimum viable product
- A product with just enough features to satisfy early users and provide feedback for future development.
- Mission statement
- A brief summary that sums up the background, purpose, and benefits of the project.
- Mobilisation
- Ensures that the project has appropriate organisational and technical infrastructures and mechanisms for putting resources in place.
- Model
- A way of looking at reality to abstract and simplify it for understanding in a particular context.
- Modelling
- The process of creating and using a device that duplicates physical or operational aspects of a deliverable.
- Monitoring
- Recording, analysing, and reporting project performance compared to the plan to identify and report deviations.
- Monte Carlo simulation
- A technique used to estimate overall risk by predicting the combined effect of estimating uncertainty and specific risk events.
- Near-critical activity
- An activity with low total float that may become critical under adverse conditions.
- Need, problem or opportunity
- The underlying reason for undertaking a project.
- Negotiated contract cost
- The estimated cost negotiated in a cost-plus fixed fee contract or the negotiated contract target cost.
- Negotiation
- A discussion between two or more parties aimed at reaching agreement.
- Net Present Value (NPV)
- The difference between the present value of cash inflows and outflows over a period of time.
- Network analysis
- Collective term for different ways of analysing a network diagram.
- Network diagram
- A model of activities and their dependencies used in scheduling.
- Network logic
- The collection of activity dependencies that show logical relationships between activities.
- Non-recurring costs
- Expenditures against specific activities expected to occur only once on a given project.
- Not earlier than
- A restriction indicating an activity may not start or end earlier than a specified date.
- Not later than
- A restriction indicating an activity may not start or end later than a specified date.
- Objectives
- Predetermined results towards which effort is directed.
- Operational life
- Part of an extended life cycle when deliverables are operated and maintained.
- Operations management
- The management of activities that create core services or products provided by an organisation.
- Operations phase
- The period during which the completed deliverable is used and maintained for its intended purpose.
- Opportunity
- A positive risk event that, if it occurs, will have a beneficial effect on objectives.
- Optimising
- The fifth level of a typical maturity model where continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback.
- Optioneering
- An approach to exploring multiple options to optimally satisfy stakeholders’ needs.
- Order of magnitude estimate
- An estimate to give a very approximate indication of likely outturn costs.
- Organisation
- The management structure applicable to the project and the organisational environment in which it operates.
- Organisation design
- The design of the most appropriate organisation for a project.
- Organisation structure
- The organisational environment defining reporting and decision-making hierarchy.
- Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS)
- A hierarchical way to divide the organisation into management levels and groups for planning and control purposes.
- Organisational culture
- The unwritten rules influencing individual and group behaviour and attitudes.
- Organisational roles
- Roles performed by individuals or groups in a project.
- Original budget
- The initial budget established at or near the time a contract was signed or a project authorised.
- Original duration
- The duration of activities or groups of activities as recorded in the baseline schedule.
- Other Direct Costs (ODC)
- Accounting elements that can be isolated to specific activities, other than labour and material.
- Outcome
- The changed circumstances or behaviour resulting from the use of an output.
- Output
- The tangible or intangible product typically delivered by a project.
- Outturn cost
- The expected final cost of a project.
- Overhead
- Costs incurred in business operation that cannot be directly related to individual products or services.
- Overrun
- Costs incurred in excess of the contract target costs or estimated costs.
- Owner
- The person or organisation for which the project is ultimately undertaken and who will benefit from the facility in the long term.
- P3 assurance
- The process of providing confidence to stakeholders that projects, programmes, and portfolios will achieve their objectives.
- P3 management team
- A collective term for those involved in the sponsorship and day-to-day management of a project, programme, or portfolio.
- P3 management
- The collective term for project, programme, and portfolio management.
- Parallel activities
- Two or more activities that can be done at the same time.
- Parallel life cycle
- A life cycle where phases are conducted in parallel.
- Parametric estimating
- An estimating technique using statistical relationships between historic data and other variables.
- Pareto diagram
- A histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence showing how many results were generated by each identified cause.
- Partnering
- An arrangement between organisations to manage a contract cooperatively.
- Payback
- An investment appraisal technique.
- Percent complete
- A measure of the completion status of a partially completed activity.
- Performance
- The term used to describe the quality of delivery and deliverables of the project.
- Performance management
- Techniques used in managing individual and team performance.
- Performance measurement techniques
- Methods used to estimate earned value.
- A technique for analysing project context by considering political, economic, sociological, technical, legal, and environmental factors.
- Phase
- The major subdivision of a life cycle.
- Phase reviews
- A review that takes place at the end of a life cycle phase.
- Physical models
- A representation of the three-dimensional, solid aspects of a deliverable.
- Physical percent complete
- The percentage of work content of an activity achieved.
- Physical performance
- Actual performance of work that can be measured.
- Pilot
- A form of testing a new development and its implementation prior to committing to full release.
- Plan
- An intended future course of action.
- Planned activity
- An activity not yet started.
- Planned cost
- The authorised budget assigned to scheduled work to be completed.
- Planned value
- The cost profile of a resource-optimised schedule used as the baseline to monitor actual spend and earned value.
- Planning
- Determines what is to be delivered, how much it will cost, when it will be delivered, how it will be delivered, and who will carry it out.
- Portfolio
- A collection of projects and/or programmes used to structure and manage investments at an organisational or functional level.
- Portfolio management
- The selection, prioritisation, and control of an organisation’s projects and programmes in line with strategic objectives and capacity to deliver.
- Portfolio prioritisation process
- The evaluation and prioritisation of projects within a portfolio.
- Post-project review
- A review undertaken after project deliverables have been handed over to produce lessons learned.
- An abbreviation of the APM Risk Management SIG’s publication Project Risk Analysis and Management Guide.
- Precedence diagram method
- A method of representing projects as networks, with activities represented by nodes and relationships by arrows.
- Precedence network
- A model of activities and their dependencies used in scheduling.
- Pre-commissioning
- Work carried out prior to commissioning to demonstrate it may be safely undertaken.
- Predecessor
- An activity that must be completed before a specified activity can begin.
- Predecessor activity
- An activity that logically precedes the current activity.
- Prime or lead contractor
- A main supplier responsible for much or all of the work on a contract.
- A project management methodology (PRojects IN Controlled Environments).
- Prioritise
- The phase of a portfolio life cycle where priorities are set by strategic objective, return on investment, or another chosen metric.
- Probabilistic network
- A network containing alternative paths with associated probabilities.
- Probability
- The likelihood of a risk occurring.
- Problem
- Concerns that the project manager deals with on a day-to-day basis.
- Procedures
- Individual aspects of project management practice forming an integral part of a method.
- Procedures manual
- A book of reference describing standard project procedures.
- Procurement
- The process of acquiring products and services from an external provider.
- Procurement strategy
- The high-level approach for securing goods and services from external suppliers.
- Product
- A tangible or intangible component of a project’s output.
- Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)
- A hierarchy of deliverables required to be produced on the project.
- Product description
- The description of the purpose, form, and components of a product.
- Product flow diagram
- A diagram representing how products are produced by identifying their derivation and dependencies.
- Product life cycle
- A life cycle approach adding operation and termination phases to reflect the whole life of an asset.
- Productivity factor
- The ratio of earned hours against expended hours.
- Professionalism
- The application of expert knowledge within a specific field and acceptance of related standards.
- Profile of expenditure
- A project’s budget phased over time to allow cash flow forecasting.
- Program evaluation and review technique
- A network analysis technique calculating standard deviations for the schedule based on three-point estimates of activity durations.
- Programme
- A unique, transient strategic endeavour undertaken to achieve beneficial change incorporating related projects and business-as-usual activities.
- Programme benefits review
- A review to assess if targets have been reached and measure performance levels in resulting business operations.
- Programme brief
- A description of the capability that the organisation seeks from changes to its business and/or operations.
- Programme director
- The senior manager responsible for the overall success of the programme.
- Programme directorate
- A committee that directs the programme when there is no individual to direct it.
- Programme management
- The coordinated management of projects and business-as-usual activities to achieve beneficial change.
- Programme manager
- The individual responsible for managing a programme.
- Programme mandate
- What the programme is intended to deliver in terms of new services and/or operational capability.
- Programme support office
- A group giving administrative support to the programme manager and executive.
- Progress
- The partial completion of a project, or a measure of the same.
- Progress payments
- Payments made to a contractor during the life of a fixed price contract based on an agreed formula.
- Progress report
- A regular report summarising project progress including key events, milestones, costs, and other issues.
- Project
- A unique, transient endeavour undertaken to bring about change and achieve planned objectives.
- Project appraisal
- The discipline of calculating the viability of a project.
- Project assurance
- Independent monitoring and reporting of the project’s performance and deliverables.
- Project-based working
- A collective term for project, programme, and portfolio management.
- Project board
- A group providing high-level direction to the project.
- Project brief
- The document produced during a project’s concept phase outlining requirements.
- Project budget
- The sum of money allocated for a project.
- Project calendar
- A calendar listing time intervals in which activities or resources can or cannot be scheduled.
- Project charter
- A document setting out working relationships and agreed behaviours within a project team.
- Project closure
- The formal end point of a project.
- Project context
- The environment within which a project is undertaken.
- Project director
- The manager of a very large project or person at board level responsible for project management.
- Project environment
- The societal and/or organisational setting of a project.
- Project evaluation review
- A documented review of project performance produced at predefined points.
- Project file
- A file containing overall project plans and important documents.
- Project financing and funding
- The means by which capital for a project is secured and made available.
- Project initiation
- The process of committing to begin a project.
- Project Initiation Document (PID)
- A document approved by the project board defining the project’s terms of reference.
- Project life cycle cost
- The cumulative cost of a project over its whole life cycle.
- Project management
- The application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills, and experience to achieve specific objectives for change.
- Project Management Information System (PMIS)
- The systems, activities, and data allowing information flow in a project.
- Project management maturity
- A model describing evolutionary levels of an organisation’s project management processes.
- Project Management Office (PMO)
- An organisational structure providing support for projects, programmes, and/or portfolios.
- Project Management Plan (PMP)
- The output of integrated planning for a project or programme.
- Project management processes
- The generic processes applied to each phase of the project life cycle.
- Project management software
- Computer application software designed to help with planning and controlling projects.
- Project management team
- Members of the project team directly involved in its management.
- Project manager
- The individual responsible for the successful delivery of the project.
- Project mandate
- The initial terms of reference for the project.
- Project master schedule
- A high-level summary project schedule.
- Project objectives
- Things to be achieved by the project, usually including technical, time, cost, and quality objectives.
- Project office
- An entity serving the organisation’s project management needs.
- Project organisation
- Provides maximum authority to the project manager and integration of functional capabilities within projects.
- Project plan
- See Project management plan.
- Project planning
- The development and maintenance of a project plan.
- Project portfolio
- See Portfolio.
- Project procedures manual
- See Procedures manual.
- Project professional
- A term describing people in roles associated with managing projects, programmes, or portfolios.
- Project progress report
- See Progress report.
- Project quality management
- See Quality management.
- Project risk
- The exposure of stakeholders to the consequences of variation in outcome.
- Project risk management
- A structured process allowing individual risk events and overall project risk to be understood and managed proactively.
- Project roles and responsibilities
- The roles and responsibilities of those involved in the project.
- Project schedule
- The tool communicating what work needs to be performed, which resources will perform it, and the timeframes for performance.
- Project scope management
- See Scope management.
- Project sponsor
- The individual ultimately responsible for the project.
- Project start-up
- The creation of the project team and making it effective.
- Project status report
- A report on the status of accomplishments and variances to spending and schedule plans.
- Project steering group
- See Steering group.
- Project strategy
- A comprehensive definition of how a project will be developed and managed.
- Project success
- The satisfaction of stakeholder needs measured by success criteria identified and agreed at project start.
- Project success criteria
- See Success criteria.
- Project support experts
- Individuals with expertise in particular aspects of project support.
- Project support office
- See Project office.
- Project team
- A set of individuals, groups, and/or organisations responsible to the project manager for working towards a common purpose.
- Project variance
- Changes to cost or schedule within the current work plan or scope.
- Provider
- A person or company providing goods or services.
- Provider selection and management
- The processes of identifying and selecting management providers through the project life cycle.
- Punch list
- A list of outstanding activities to be completed prior to final acceptance of deliverables.
- Qualitative risk analysis
- A generic term for subjective methods of assessing risks that cannot be identified accurately.
- Quality
- The fitness for purpose or degree of conformance of outputs or processes to requirements.
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- The process of evaluating overall project performance regularly to provide confidence that quality standards will be satisfied.
- Quality assurance plan
- A plan guaranteeing a quality approach and conformance to all customer requirements for all project activities.
- Quality audit
- An official examination to determine whether practices conform to specified standards.
- Quality control
- Inspection, measurement, and testing to verify that project outputs meet acceptance criteria.
- Quality criteria
- The characteristics of a product determining whether it meets requirements.
- Quality guide
- Describes quality and configuration management procedures for people involved with quality reviews and technical exceptions.
- Quality management
- A discipline for ensuring outputs, benefits, and processes meet stakeholder requirements and are fit for purpose.
- Quality management system
- The complete set of quality standards, procedures, and responsibilities for a site or organisation.
- Quality planning
- Takes the defined scope and specifies acceptance criteria used to validate that outputs are fit for purpose.
- Quality review
- A review of a product against an established set of quality criteria.
- Quantitative risk analysis
- The estimation of numerical values of risk probability and impact on a project.
- Rapid Application Development (RAD)
- A method of minimising time necessary to complete development projects.
- Reactive risk response
- An action taken after a risk event has occurred.
- Recurring costs
- Expenditures against specific activities occurring on a repetitive basis.
- Reduce
- A response to a threat that reduces its probability, impact, or both.
- Regulatory
- A restriction due to the need to conform to a regulation or rule.
- Reimbursement
- Method by which a contractor will be paid for work undertaken.
- Reject
- A response to an opportunity where no action is taken.
- Relationship
- A logical connection between two activities.
- Remaining duration
- The time needed to complete the remainder of an activity or project.
- Repeatable
- The second level of a typical maturity model where basic processes are established.
- Replanning
- Actions performed for remaining effort within project scope.
- Replenishable resource
- A resource that can be restocked when depleted, such as raw materials or money.
- Reporting
- The formal communication of project information to stakeholders.
- Request For Change (RFC)
- A proposal for a change to the project.
- Request For Proposal (RFP)
- A bid document used to request proposals from prospective sellers of products or services.
- Request For Quotation (RFQ)
- Equivalent to a request for proposal but with more specific application areas.
- Requirements
- The stakeholders’ wants and needs clearly defined with acceptance criteria.
- Requirements definition
- A process ensuring the project includes all required work and then defines that work.
- Requirements management
- The process of capturing, assessing, and justifying stakeholders’ wants and needs.
- Reserve
- A planned allotment of time, cost, or other resources for unforeseeable elements within a project.
- Residual value
- The written-down value of a capital item at the end of the period.
- Resource allocation
- The process of attributing labour and non-labour resources to activities.
- Resource availability
- The level of availability of a resource, which may vary over time.
- Resource calendar
- A calendar defining working and non-working patterns for specific resources.
- Resource-driven activity durations
- Activity durations driven by the need for scarce resources.
- Resource histogram
- A view of project data showing resource requirements, usage, and availability using vertical bars against a horizontal timescale.
- Resource level
- A specified level of resource units required by an activity per time unit.
- Resource levelling
- An approach used during resource optimisation that delays activities to keep resource usage below specified limits.
- Resource loading
- The number of resources devoted to a specific activity in a particular time period.
- Resource management
- The acquisition and deployment of internal and external resources required for project delivery.
- Resource optimisation
- Methods for ensuring labour and non-labour resources are matched to the schedule.
- Resource plan
- A part of the project management plan stating how the project will be resource loaded and what supporting services are required.
- Resource planning
- A process evaluating what resources are needed to complete a project and determining the quantity needed.
- Resource pool
- The available resources to a project or a group of people who can generally do the same work.
- Resource requirement
- The requirement for a particular resource by a particular activity.
- Resource scheduling
- A process ensuring resources are available when needed and not underutilised where possible.
- Resource smoothing
- An approach used to utilise float or adjust resource requirements to smooth out peaks and troughs of resource usage.
- Resources
- All labour and non-labour items required to undertake the scope of work to the required quality.
- Responsibility assignment matrix
- A diagram or chart showing assigned responsibilities for elements of work.
- Responsible organisation
- A defined unit within the organisation structure assigned responsibility for accomplishing specific activities or cost accounts.
- Retention
- A part of payment withheld until the project is completed to ensure satisfactory performance.
- Return on investment (ROI)
- An expression of the value of an investment in change based on the gain in benefit relative to the cost.
- Re-usable resource
- A resource that becomes available for other uses when no longer needed.
- Reviews
- Project reviews take place throughout the project life cycle to check likely or actual achievement of specified objectives.
- Re-work
- Repeating work already completed to remove defects and meet acceptance criteria.
- Right first time
- Completing a deliverable which, on first testing, meets agreed acceptance criteria with no defects and no re-work required.
- Risk
- The potential of a situation or event to impact on the achievement of specific objectives.
- Risk analysis
- An assessment and synthesis of estimating uncertainty and/or specific risk events to understand their significance.
- Risk analysis and management
- A process allowing individual risk events and overall risk to be understood and managed proactively.
- Risk appetite
- How much risk investors are willing to tolerate in achieving their objectives.
- Risk assessment
- The process of quantifying the likelihood of risks occurring and assessing their likely impact on the project.
- Risk attitude
- The perception-driven choice of a person or group about an individual risk or overall project riskiness.
- Risk avoidance
- See Avoid (a threat).
- Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)
- A hierarchical breakdown of the risks on a project.
- Risk budget
- A sum of money that is part of overall cost contingency to cover the cost impact of identified risks.
- Risk context
- The institutional and individual environment affecting how risk arises and should be managed.
- Risk efficiency
- The principle of risk-taking to achieve the minimum level of exposure for a given level of expected return.
- Risk event
- An uncertain event or set of circumstances that would, if it occurred, have an effect on the achievement of objectives.
- Risk exposure
- The degree to which a risk taker could be affected by an adverse outcome.
- Risk identification
- The capture of threats and opportunities to the project objectives.
- Risk log
- A document providing identification, estimation, impact evaluation, and countermeasures for all project risks.
- Risk management maturity
- A measure of the extent to which a project or organisation formally applies effective risk management.
- Risk management plan
- A document defining how risk management is to be implemented in the context of a particular project.
- Risk manager
- The person in charge of matters connected with risk on a project.
- Risk monitoring
- The process of observing the state of identified risks (also referred to as risk tracking).
- Risk owner
- The individual or group best placed to assess and manage a risk.
- Risk prioritising
- Ordering of risks according to their risk value and which need to be considered for reduction, avoidance, and transfer.
- Risk ranking
- The allocation of a classification to the probability and impact of a risk.
- Risk reduction
- Action taken to reduce the likelihood and impact of a risk.
- Risk register
- A document listing identified risk events and corresponding planned responses.
- Risk response
- An action or set of actions to reduce the probability or impact of a threat, or increase the probability or impact of an opportunity.
- Risk response planning
- The planning of responses to risks.
- Risk techniques
- Used to identify, assess, and plan responses to individual risks and overall risk.
- Roll out
- The process of delivering nearly identical products to multiple users, usually after testing.
- Rolling wave planning
- The process of planning short-term work in detail and longer-term work in outline only.
- S-curve
- A graphic display of cumulative costs, labour hours, or other quantities, plotted against time.
- Safety plan
- The standards and methods that minimise to an acceptable level the likelihood of accident or damage.
- Sales
- A marketing technique used to promote a project.
- Sanction
- Authorisation for the project or part of a project to proceed.
- Scenario planning
- A method used to anticipate potential future scenarios, useful in preparing to deal with emergent change.
- Schedule
- A timetable showing forecast start and finish dates for activities or events within a project.
- Schedule dates
- Start and finish dates calculated with regard to resource or external constraints as well as project logic.
- Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- The ratio of work accomplished versus work planned, for a specified time period.
- Schedule variance
- The difference between the earned value and the planned value at any point in time.
- Scheduled finish
- The earliest date on which an activity can finish, considering resource or external constraints and project logic.
- Scheduled start
- The earliest date on which an activity can start, considering resource or external constraints and project logic.
- Scheduling
- The process used to determine overall project duration, including identification of activities, logical dependencies, and estimating durations.
- Scope
- The totality of outputs, outcomes, and benefits and the work required to produce them.
- Scope change
- Any change in project scope requiring a change in cost or schedule.
- Scope creep
- The continual extension of the scope of some projects.
- Scope management
- The process whereby outputs, outcomes, and benefits are identified, defined, and controlled.
- Scope of work
- A description of the work to be accomplished or resources to be supplied.
- Scope statement
- A documented description of the project identifying boundaries, output, approach, and content.
- Scope verification
- A process ensuring all identified project deliverables have been completed satisfactorily.
- Secondary risk
- The risk that may occur as a result of invoking a risk response or fallback plan.
- Sensitivity analysis
- An investigation of the effect on the outcome of changing parameters or data in procedures or models.
- Sequence
- The order in which activities will occur with respect to one another.
- Setting
- The relationship of the project, programme, or portfolio with its host organisation.
- Share
- A risk management response to an opportunity that increases its probability, impact, or both by sharing with a third party.
- Simulation
- A process whereby some dynamic aspect of a system is replicated without using the real system.
- Six sigma
- A quality management programme to achieve ‘six sigma’ levels of quality.
- Slack
- An alternative term for float. See Free float and Total float.
- Slip chart
- A pictorial representation of predicted completion dates of milestones (also referred to as a trend chart).
- Slippage
- The amount of float time used up by the current activity due to a delayed start or increased duration.
- Snagging
- The process of identifying minor small deficiencies that have to be rectified before acceptance of work.
- Social capital
- The pattern and intensity of networks among people and shared values arising from those networks.
- Social system
- The network of relationships between people involved in the project and how influences between actors work as a whole.
- Sole source
- The only source known to be able to supply particular equipment or services, or undertake a particular contract.
- Solicitation
- The process by which bids or tenders are obtained for the provision of goods or services.
- Source selection
- Choosing from potential contractors.
- Spiral model
- A management model used particularly for development projects.
- Sponsor
- A critical role as part of the governance board, accountable for ensuring work is governed effectively and delivers objectives meeting identified needs.
- Sprint
- A regular repeatable work cycle in agile development, typically a few weeks long.
- Stage
- A subdivision of the development phase created to facilitate approval gates at suitable points in the life cycle.
- Stage payment
- A payment made part-way through a project on completion of a pre-determined milestone.
- Stakeholder
- Individuals or groups who have an interest or role in the project or are impacted by it.
- Stakeholder analysis
- The identification of stakeholder groups, their interest levels, and ability to influence the project.
- Stakeholder engagement
- The systematic identification, analysis, planning, and implementation of actions designed to influence stakeholders.
- Stakeholder grid
- A matrix used to identify the relative importance of stakeholders to a project.
- Stakeholder identification
- The process of identifying stakeholders in a project.
- Stakeholder management
- See Stakeholder engagement.
- Starting activity
- An activity with no predecessors that does not have to wait for any other activity to start.
- Start-to-finish
- A dependency indicating that one activity cannot finish until another activity has started.
- Start-to-start
- A dependency indicating that one activity cannot start until another activity has started.
- Start-to-start lag
- The minimum time that must pass between the start of one activity and the start of its successor(s).
- Start-up
- The formal process of making a new project team effective or commissioning a completed facility.
- Start-up meeting
- The initial meeting with the project team at the start of a project or phase.
- Statement of scope
- See Scope statement.
- Statement of work
- An annex to the main body of a contract defining the detail of deliverables, timescales, and management procedures.
- Status report
- A description of where the project currently stands, usually in the form of a written report.
- Steering group
- A group comprising the sponsor, senior managers, and sometimes key stakeholders, setting strategic direction for a project.
- Story point
- A method of estimating completion/forecasting work yet to complete on a user story in iterative life cycles.
- Strategic intent
- The aspirational plans, overarching purpose, or intended direction needed to reach an organisational vision.
- Strategic management
- The identification, selection, and implementation of an organisation’s long-term goals and objectives.
- Strategic sourcing
- An analysis of buying strengths and weaknesses enabling procurement strategies to maximise advantages and respond to supply disruption risks.
- Strategy
- The high-level plan enabling the project to reach a successful conclusion, describing how it is to be executed.
- Subcontract
- A contractual document legally transferring responsibility for providing goods, services, data, or hardware from one firm to another.
- Subcontractor
- An organisation that supplies goods or services to a supplier.
- Subject matter experts
- Users with subject matter knowledge and expertise who may contribute to defining requirements and acceptance criteria.
- Subproject
- A group of activities represented as a single activity in a higher level of the same project.
- Success criteria
- The satisfaction of stakeholder needs for the deployment of a project.
- Success factors and maturity
- Management practices that, when implemented, increase the likelihood of project success. The degree of establishment indicates organisational maturity.
- Successor
- An activity whose start or finish depends on the start or finish of a predecessor activity.
- Sunk costs
- Costs that are unavoidable, even if the remaining work is terminated.
- Super-critical activity
- An activity behind schedule with negative float.
- Supplier
- A contractor, consultant, or organisation that supplies resources to the project.
- Supply chain management
- The management of the chain of organisations through which goods pass from raw materials to the ultimate purchaser.
- Surety
- An individual or organisation agreeing to be legally liable for the debt, default, or failure of a principal to satisfy a contractual obligation.
- Sustainability
- An approach balancing environmental, social, economic, and administrative aspects to meet current stakeholder needs without compromising future generations.
- SWOT (analysis)
- A technique used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats inherent in a project.
- System
- The complete technical output of the project including technical products.
- Systems analysis
- The analysis of a complex process or operation to improve its efficiency.
- Systems engineering
- A systematic approach to realising a project that takes account of all related systems and subsystems.
- Systems management
- Management including prime activities of systems analysis, design, engineering, and development.
- Talent management
- The ability to attract, motivate, and retain high-quality people to deliver strategic goals and objectives.
- Target completion date
- The date planned to complete an activity or project.
- Target start date
- The date planned to start work on an activity or the project.
- Task
- The smallest indivisible part of an activity when broken down to a level best understood and performed by a specific person or organisation.
- Team
- A group of people working in collaboration or cooperation towards a common goal.
- Team building
- The ability to gather the right people to join a project team and get them working together for project benefit.
- Team development
- The process of developing skills, as a group and individually, that enhance project performance.
- Team leader
- The person responsible for leading a team.
- Team member
- A person accountable to and with work assigned by the project manager.
- Teamwork
- A group of people working in collaboration or cooperation towards a common goal.
- Technology management
- The management of the relationship between available and emerging technologies, the organisation, and the project.
- Temporary organisation
- A specific project, programme, or portfolio team brought together to implement project-based work.
- Tender
- A document proposing to meet a specification in a certain way and at a stated price.
- Tender document
- The document issued to prospective suppliers when inviting bids or quotations.
- Tender list
- A list of approved suppliers to whom a specific enquiry may be sent.
- Tendering
- The process of preparing and submitting a tender, quotation, or bid.
- Termination
- The decommissioning and disposal of a deliverable at the end of its useful life.
- Terms and conditions
- All the clauses in a contract.
- Terms of reference
- A specification of a team member’s responsibilities and authorities within the project.
- Testing
- The process of determining how aspects of a deliverable perform when subjected to specified conditions.
- Theory of constraints
- A theory expounded by Goldratt, leading to the critical chain schedule management technique.
- Threat
- A negative risk event that, if it occurs, will have a detrimental effect on objectives.
- Three-point estimate
- An estimate giving optimistic best case, pessimistic worst case, and most likely values.
- Time analysis
- The process of calculating early and late dates for each activity based on duration and logical relations.
- Time recording
- The recording of effort expended on each activity to update a project plan.
- Time scheduling
- Techniques used to develop and present schedules showing when work will be performed.
- Time sheet
- A means of recording actual effort expended against project and non-project activities.
- Time variance
- The scheduled time for work to be completed less the actual time.
- Timebox
- A fixed unit of time during which work is performed, typically used in iterative approaches.
- Time-driven
- Control actions or reports triggered by the passage of a defined interval.
- Tolerance
- A level of delegated permission to vary performance from specified parameters.
- Top down cost estimating
- Estimating total project cost based on historical costs and other variables, then subdividing to individual activities.
- Total float
- Time by which an activity may be delayed or extended without affecting overall duration or violating a target finish date.
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
- A strategic, integrated management system for customer satisfaction guiding all employees in every aspect of their work.
- Traffic light reports
- A type of progress report explaining current status using traffic light colours.
- Tranche
- A subdivision of the deployment phase of a programme designed to enable an incremental approach to development.
- Transfer
- A response to a threat that reduces its probability, impact, or both by transferring to a third party.
- Transition
- The fourth phase in a linear cycle where results are handed over, commissioned, and accepted by the sponsor.
- Trend chart
- See Slip chart.
- Trends
- A general tendency observed on a project.
- Triple constraint
- A way of describing the fundamental trade-off between time, cost, and quality in delivering project scope.
- Turnaround report
- A report created for managers to enter progress status against activities scheduled to be in progress during a particular time window.
- Turnkey contract
- A comprehensive contract where the contractor is responsible for complete supply of a facility.
- Uncertain event
- See Risk event.
- Uncertainty
- A state of incomplete knowledge about a proposition, usually associated with risks.
- User acceptance test
- A formal test demonstrating the acceptability of a product to the user.
- User requirements
- Requirements governing project deliverables as expressed by the user.
- User requirements statement
- A document defining user needs from the user’s perspective.
- User story
- An informal, simple language description of system features, often written from an end user’s perspective.
- Users
- The group of people intended to work with deliverables to enable beneficial change.
- V life cycle
- A graphical representation of a life cycle where horizontal lines connect related front and backend phases.
- Validate
- Testing that the deliverable meets requirements.
- Validation
- The process of providing evidence that a deliverable meets user needs.
- Valuation
- A calculation of payment due under contract terms, often undertaken at stages in large contracts.
- Value
- A standard, principle, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable.
- Value engineering
- Concerned with optimising conceptual, technical, and operational aspects of deliverables.
- Value for money ratio
- The ratio of monetary and non-monetary benefits to the investment of resources committed.
- Value management
- A structured approach to defining what value means to the organisation and reviewing whether it can be improved.
- Value tree
- A graphical representation of the relationship between different factors driving value.
- Variable or recurring cost
- A cost influenced by volume of business or quantity, such as a recurring operational cost.
- Variation
- A change in scope or timing of work that a supplier is obliged to do under a contract.
- Variation order
- The document authorising an approved technical change or variation.
- Vendor
- A company or person contractually committed to provide goods (either direct or through a supplier).
- Verification
- Proof of compliance with specified requirements, determined by test, analysis, inspection, or demonstration.
- Verify
- Testing that the deliverable meets the specification and designs.
- Version control
- The recording and management of different versions of the project’s products.
- Virtual models
- A visual representation of a deliverable, used to test its operational performance.
- Virtual team
- A team where people are separated by geography and potentially time zone.
- Vision statement
- An outward-facing description of new capabilities resulting from project or programme delivery.
- VUCA conditions
- A phrase describing an organisational context with inherent uncertainty, standing for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
- Warranty
- A promise given by a contractor regarding the nature, usefulness, or condition of supplies or services delivered.
- Waterfall method
- A type of life cycle where phases are sequential. See Linear life cycle.
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
- The minimum average return an organisation must earn on existing assets to satisfy capital providers.
- What-if assessment
- The process of evaluating alternative strategies.
- What-if simulation
- A technique evaluating the impact of scope, schedule, or methodology changes on contract dates or baseline schedule.
- Whole-life costs
- The fixed and variable capital and operational costs required to develop, use, and terminate a product or asset.
- Work
- The total number of hours, people, or effort required to complete an activity.
- Work breakdown code
- A code representing the ‘family tree’ of an element in a work breakdown structure.
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Defines the total work to be undertaken and provides a structure for all control systems.
- Work load
- The amount of work units assigned to a resource over a period of time.
- Work package
- A discrete element of project scope at the lowest level of each branch of the work breakdown structure.
- Work package manager
- A person responsible for leading and managing part of a project to achieve specific aims agreed with the project manager.
- Work units
- Units providing measurement for resources, such as labour hours for people.
- Working group
- A group of two or more people to which work is delegated and interrelationships between activities are managed through a single person.
- Workplace stress
- The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them.
- X-Bar control charts
- Charts displaying means and sample ranges for periodically gathered, same-size samples of product or process characteristics.
- Yield
- The return on an investment.
- Zero defects
- A measure of quality where the deliverable is defect-free.
- Zero float
- A condition where there is no excess time between activities. An activity with zero float is considered critical.