Is PRINCE2 Practitioner exam hard?

Most people find the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam hard, but most people still pass.

The national average pass rate for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in the UK is 73%, which is lower than the 97% pass rate for the PRINCE2 Foundation exam. This indicates that the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam is generally considered to be more challenging than the Foundation exam. However, most students are still able to pass the Practitioner exam on their first attempt.

To improve your chances of success, it is important to prepare well for the exam and to have a thorough understanding of the material. This may include taking PRINCE2 training, studying the syllabus and materials, and practicing with PRINCE2 sample exams. By taking these steps, you can maximize your chances of passing the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam on your first attempt.

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