How many hours of study for PRINCE2?

How many hours of study it takes for PRINCE2 depends upon the study method, the individual, and the certification. If you already hold one of the prerequisite qualifications for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam, you can simply take a PRINCE2 Practitioner course, which typically takes 2 days to complete, or a self-paced online elearning course, which takes about 24 hours. The Practitioner exam is an additional 2.5 hours.

If you do not hold the prerequisite qualifications for the Practitioner exam, you will need to take a PRINCE2 Foundation course as well. A PRINCE2 Foundation classroom course typically takes 2 days, while a PRINCE2 Foundation online eLearning course takes about 12 hours.

These timelines may vary depending on the individual and the specific course they are taking.

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