Can I learn PRINCE2 for free?

Yes you can learn PRINCE2 for free. If you just want to learn about PRINCE2 it is recommended that you use the What is PRINCE2? website. This informational site explains everything you need to gain a basic understanding of all the elements that make up PRINCE2.

However, free courses are not likely to be of high quality. These courses are not accredited and typically only cover a small part of the PRINCE2 syllabus.

If you want to gain PRINCE2 certification and your budget is tight then the cheapest option is just to buy the PRINCE2 exam. Our exam-only option includes 7-day access to our PRINCE2 e-learning. If you have a full week to study, this is the cheapest way to get certified.

If you have a larger budget, then it is recommended to enroll in an accredited PRINCE2 course, or to take online PRINCE2 self-study training. These two options will provide you with both comprehensive and high-quality instruction, and both include the PRINCE2 exam(s).

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