What is cyber security awareness month?
Cyber security awareness month is an annual global initiative to raise awareness about:
- Cyber security threats;
- Good cyber security practices for citizens and organisations;
- The available resources to protect people online, through education and training.
It started in 2003 as collaboration between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance. The called it NCSAM (National Cyber Security Awareness Month).
Then in 2013, The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) started the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM).
How to get involved in cyber security awareness
Many organisations see this month as an opportunity to raise awareness about the best cyber security practices. One way is enrolling staff in a training course.
Cyber security awareness training
At Knowledge Train, we understand the importance of cyber security for new and current employees. Therefore, we have developed an online cyber security awareness course for employees as a basic introduction to cyber security awareness.
Cyber security awareness cartoons
It is difficult to get rid of old habits, like clicking on every link from emails. There are slogans that promote good practices in cyber security. You can share these cartoons among your team members and have a chuckle:
Think before you click!
Passwords: Longer is stronger
Be aware! Connect with care
SEC_RITY is not complete without U!