What is change management and why should you care?
Change management is a growing area amongst all organisations. It’s a profession that helps organisations deal with change. Change managers are tasked with helping staff adapt to the consequences of any organisational changes.
In practice, the whole endeavour is a little more ambiguous. Change management includes at least three different processes: adaptation, controlling and effecting. In layman’s terms, change managers either help prepare structures that support the adoption of change, they help control change that is already in progress, they help embed changes within the organisation’s culture, or as is most often the case, they perform a combination of all three processes.
Change today is inevitable (if not always desired). Change managers need to not only help guide beneficial change but negate any potential downsides to change, whether it is driven by market forces, international law, political circumstance or otherwise.
In the modern era, where technology is progressing rapidly, and political/economic environments are turbulent, change managers have become indispensable to the continued smooth-running of public and private enterprises.
If you’re put off by the challenge, maybe this will change your mind: Not only is the change management job market growing rapidly, but the role pays very well with the average salary of a change manager in the UK hovering anywhere between £40,000 and £65,000.
The rewards of championing change
If challenge is something you crave, and you are eager to use your industry experience to assume a prominent leadership role, we have good news! Change managers benefit from several job perks unique to middle- and upper-management roles and are highly valued both by employers and those employees who benefit most readily from their efforts. Prove your worth as a change manager and you’ll soon become an office favourite!
Here are just a few reasons why change managers love their jobs.
Change management offers a unique insider perspective on how businesses operate. You will be granted a bird’s-eye view of operations and be privy to every detail of day-to-day running. You will soon gain an in-depth understanding of the various roles and fields in your industry – invaluable information as you progress through different business environments.
Although change managers do not always deliver monetary value to businesses, your efforts will always have tangible, measurable results. Change managers have a real sense of purpose as their work always contributes directly to organizational success and the well-being of employees. Delivering work that makes a real difference adds that something special to a role, and best of all, if you help improve your company’s bottom-line, you’ll have more than enough leverage to negotiate a higher salary.
Change managers are leaders, and if you fancy yourself a natural-born leader, you will fit right in! Change managers are one of the main points of contact with stakeholders and are tasked with meeting critical business goals. Change managers are often at the centre of attention and everyone will be watching your efforts with keen interest!
Most jobs change in nature over time but change management will really challenge your ability to assume new responsibilities and absorb new information. There is always something to learn and no matter how experienced you might consider yourself; we guarantee that you’ll quickly gain a repertoire of new tools and skills as your career in change management grows.
Change management training
To help equip you with the skills needed in a change manager role, Knowledge Train offers both Foundation and Practitioner change management courses. Our APMG Change Management courses are developed in collaboration with the Change Management Institute (CMI) and are designed to help change managers effectively plan and implement successful transformation initiatives.
If attending a classroom course is not suitable for you, then why not consider taking one of these Change Management courses online instead. These enable you to study in your own time and take your professional exams online.